Hey there, my name is Niels Joop

I love building creative and user friendly interfaces

Hey there, my name is Niels Joop

I love building creative and user friendly interfaces

Hey there, my name is Niels Joop

I love building creative and user friendly interfaces

Stuff that isn't protected by NDAs

My work

Stuff that isn't protected by NDAs

My work

Stuff that isn't protected by NDAs

My work

Responsive Design System for the future of freelancing

Tadaah connects freelancers with assignments in the childcare sector. I created a responsive design system to enable them to grow to more healthcare sectors

Information architecture overhaul to improve wayfinding

Starred helps recruitment teams automatically collect and analyse feedback from candidates. I was asked to redesign their information architecture to enable a more seamless navigation experience

Complex, yet seamless freelancer onboarding

Tadaah connects freelancers with clients in the childcare sector. I was challenged to design an onboarding that would provide more guidance while also collecting valuable information from freelancers

Integration draft mode

Starred helps recruitment teams automatically collect and analyse feedback from candidates. I came up with a draft mode that dramatically increased the speed of user maintenance and increased satisfaction across the board

Whitelabel motorbike rentals to drive sales

Motoshare is the AirBnB for motorbike rentals. Often times rentals lead to sales. I came up with and tested a concept that allowed brands to create pages that drive rentals, and eventually sales.

A brand to empower progress and change

I was asked to build a brand strategy and identity for Move 4, a collaborative non-profit empowering students to take action and inspire change.

Me, myself and I

About me

I am a emphatic and creative designer with years of experience in designing and building digital products. I love simple and intuitive interfaces and I enjoy empathising with users and simplifying complex problems.

In my spare-time I enjoy spending time outdoors hiking, running or walking with my dog. I also am often caught reading a great book, taking landscape photography or drawing in my sketchbook.

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